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Healing the Sick Part 6
God's Kingdom on Earth
Luke 11:20-22 Jesus said, "If I drive out demons by the finger of God, the kingdom of God has come to you." (Matthew 12:28 If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God)
Understand that you/Christ is more powerful than the strong man, satan or demons.
The Power of the Cross
The man filled with a legion of demons ran up to Jesus. Young men who came to the door of the church in Istanbul said: "We know we have demons. Can you get them out of us?"
Where do these bad spirits come from?
The devil exists and you have authority to defeat him, but don’t be a devil chaser. He will waste your time and steal your energy and sleep. If the Lord reveals that the devil is the source of the sickness or the circumstances indicate demonic activity, just rebuke him. Whether the person is possessed, oppressed, or obsessed, the devil must go. Don’t talk about the devil more than you talk about Jesus. Some problems are demons, some are flesh and some are personal failures. Flesh cannot be cast out. It must be disciplined by the Spirit. Demons cannot be disciplined, they must be cast out.
Luke 11:20-22 Jesus said, "If I drive out demons by the finger of God, the kingdom of God has come to you." (Matthew 12:28 If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God)
Understand that you/Christ is more powerful than the strong man, satan or demons.
The Power of the Cross
- Colossians 2:13-15 Jesus triumphed over the devil at the cross, publicly embarrassed him.
- Matthew 16:18 Jesus is establishing and stabilizing His church so that the gates of hell can't resist the force of His kingdom. (1 John 3:8B)
- Luke 4:18 The anointing of the Holy Spirit is on me to free prisoners, heal the blind, free the oppressed.. The god of this world has blinded unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
- Acts 10:38 My job is to liberate people from the influence and control of satan and his minions. He called me to a deliverance ministry? healing ministry? etc. Not me! He has called me to be like Jesus: cast out devils, heal the sick, preach good news, and study the Scriptures.
- Romans 16:19-20 I will be wise about good and innocent about evil. But not ignorant! (2 Cor. 2:11) Spiritual warfare focuses on the power of God and His kingdom, not on the world, the devil, or flesh.
- Luke 10:18-20 I am a disciple of Jesus. I can tread on serpents and scorpions.
- Ephesians 6:10-18 I will put on the amour of God, wrestle, win, and stand my ground.
- 1 Peter 5:8-9 Our adversary comes like a lion... I will resist him steadfast in the faith.
- James 4:6-7 Power is demonstrated through the humble, surrendered believer.
The man filled with a legion of demons ran up to Jesus. Young men who came to the door of the church in Istanbul said: "We know we have demons. Can you get them out of us?"
Where do these bad spirits come from?
- The demonic influence of alcohol and drug abuse: It is like taking the top off of a bottle and putting a funnel in it. A person opens himself up to demonic (moronic) activity.
- Bad attitudes and unconfessed sins give the demons a foothold. (Ephesians 4:26-27)
- Acts 19:13-16 Sons of Skeva - Many conversions w/ renouncing their involvement in local witchcraft even though it was expensive!
- Generational curses: Family history of sickness, addictions, etc.
- If it’s a new experience for you, trust God to equip you for the task.
- Don't waste time talking to devils. Gift of discerning of spirits, lying. Often they are identified by manifestation in the body or the mind: suicide, clepto maniac, etc. What they do is more important than what they say.
- Incurable diseases, afflictions that move locations in the body are often a spirit of infirmity.
- Ask God to show you the entry point.
- Bind satan, brake generational curses, cast out the spirit of _____. Speak with authority, not scream.
- Use the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, and apply the blood of Jesus
- Closing the door to further demonic activity. Luke 11:24-26 Swept clean, put in order, but not filled up! The unclean spirit comes back with 7 more. Pray the sinner's prayer.
The devil exists and you have authority to defeat him, but don’t be a devil chaser. He will waste your time and steal your energy and sleep. If the Lord reveals that the devil is the source of the sickness or the circumstances indicate demonic activity, just rebuke him. Whether the person is possessed, oppressed, or obsessed, the devil must go. Don’t talk about the devil more than you talk about Jesus. Some problems are demons, some are flesh and some are personal failures. Flesh cannot be cast out. It must be disciplined by the Spirit. Demons cannot be disciplined, they must be cast out.
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