Do New Testament Christians Need to Repent?
Repentance was preached before Pentecost, at Pentecost, and after Pentecost. Repentance is an important message for today. Several preachers are saying that repentance is unnecessary after you have been saved. What does the Bible say?
Acts 2:37-40 God planted the first church on the day of Pentecost, new believers asked, “What must we do?” Repent. Water baptism is a public demonstration of repentance. The baptism of the Holy Spirit gives a person the power, the grace to walk out repentance. Foundation for a disciple. (Hebrews 6:1-2)
The Message to Unbelievers is to Repent
Great Commission Luke 24:47 Repentance and forgiveness of sin is to be preached to all nations.
1. Matthew 3:2 John the Baptist preached repentance.
2. Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15 Jesus preached repentance.
3. Mark 6:12 The apostles preached repentance.
4. Acts 2:38; 3:19 Peter preached repentance.
5. Acts 20:21 Paul preached repentance.
6. Acts 17:30 In Athens Paul said, "Now God commands all men everywhere to repent."
The Process
1. Act 2:40 - Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. New Life and New Lifestyle.
/do-christians-need-to-repent.html2. Proverbs 28:13 Whoever covers his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes his sin will have mercy. Get honest, talk to God about it, and do something about it! (David Psalm 32:1-5; Isaiah 55:7)
3. Matthew 27:3-5 Judas Iscariot had ungodly sorrow, but not repentance. In KJV ‘repented himself’ is the Greek word metamellomai meaning to care afterwards, that is, regret. Repentance in Greek is metanoia meaning a compunction for guilt, including reformation; by implication reversal of decision. Turn and go another direction.
The Message to Believers is a relationship with God that includes repentance in response to the Holy Spirit when He convicts us that an attitude, action or heart condition is not pleasing to God.
1. There is joy in heaven when one sinner repents. Jesus referred to a lost sheep who had strayed from the flock and a coin missing from the householder. When the family member returned home, the family threw a party. (Luke 15: 7, 10, 23-24)
2. 1 John 1:7-10 This letter was written to believers. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness". If we say we have no sin, we deceiver ourselves and make God out to be a liar.
3. 2 Corinthians 7:1 - Since we have these promises let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and the spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
4. 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that brings salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death". Holy Spirit conviction leads to repentance. Self or satanic condemnation is a deadly guilt trip.
5. In Revelation five of seven churches were told repentance was the way to victory. Revelation 2:5 Ephesian church - Repent; 2:16 Pergamum church - Repent; 2:21 Thyatira Church - Jezebel given time to repent; 3:3 Sardis church - Repent; 3:19 Laodicean church - Repent.
6. Romans 2:10NIV "Do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?" Spoken to believers in Rome. (Romans 1:6-7)
Repentance was preached before Pentecost, at Pentecost, and after Pentecost. Repentance is an important message for today. Several preachers are saying that repentance is unnecessary after you have been saved. What does the Bible say?
Acts 2:37-40 God planted the first church on the day of Pentecost, new believers asked, “What must we do?” Repent. Water baptism is a public demonstration of repentance. The baptism of the Holy Spirit gives a person the power, the grace to walk out repentance. Foundation for a disciple. (Hebrews 6:1-2)
The Message to Unbelievers is to Repent
Great Commission Luke 24:47 Repentance and forgiveness of sin is to be preached to all nations.
1. Matthew 3:2 John the Baptist preached repentance.
2. Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15 Jesus preached repentance.
3. Mark 6:12 The apostles preached repentance.
4. Acts 2:38; 3:19 Peter preached repentance.
5. Acts 20:21 Paul preached repentance.
6. Acts 17:30 In Athens Paul said, "Now God commands all men everywhere to repent."
The Process
1. Act 2:40 - Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. New Life and New Lifestyle.
/do-christians-need-to-repent.html2. Proverbs 28:13 Whoever covers his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes his sin will have mercy. Get honest, talk to God about it, and do something about it! (David Psalm 32:1-5; Isaiah 55:7)
3. Matthew 27:3-5 Judas Iscariot had ungodly sorrow, but not repentance. In KJV ‘repented himself’ is the Greek word metamellomai meaning to care afterwards, that is, regret. Repentance in Greek is metanoia meaning a compunction for guilt, including reformation; by implication reversal of decision. Turn and go another direction.
The Message to Believers is a relationship with God that includes repentance in response to the Holy Spirit when He convicts us that an attitude, action or heart condition is not pleasing to God.
1. There is joy in heaven when one sinner repents. Jesus referred to a lost sheep who had strayed from the flock and a coin missing from the householder. When the family member returned home, the family threw a party. (Luke 15: 7, 10, 23-24)
2. 1 John 1:7-10 This letter was written to believers. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness". If we say we have no sin, we deceiver ourselves and make God out to be a liar.
3. 2 Corinthians 7:1 - Since we have these promises let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and the spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
4. 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that brings salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death". Holy Spirit conviction leads to repentance. Self or satanic condemnation is a deadly guilt trip.
5. In Revelation five of seven churches were told repentance was the way to victory. Revelation 2:5 Ephesian church - Repent; 2:16 Pergamum church - Repent; 2:21 Thyatira Church - Jezebel given time to repent; 3:3 Sardis church - Repent; 3:19 Laodicean church - Repent.
6. Romans 2:10NIV "Do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance, and patience, not realizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?" Spoken to believers in Rome. (Romans 1:6-7)
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